art by Alessa Kreger
JOHN VENABLE: The Beatles never gave us Summer in Paradise, Still Cruisin' or Keepin' the Summer Alive. Has anyone ever synced Still Cruisin' up to Cruising, a la Dark Side of the Moon and The Wizard of Oz? I bet it would improve both immeasurably.
SAB GREY: The Beatles are utterly over rated however no one is more over rated than that complete pile of trite crap than the flipping beach boys...
NOLEN STRALS: The Beach Boys. Kokomo might be one of the worst songs of all time, but The Beatles are the most obnoxious, stupidly-lyric'ed, pretentious little twerps ever.
Also, the Beach Boys are more fun to listen to. Even The Beatles early fun stuff doesn't hold a candle to it. "Mature" (aka we discovered weed and continued British colonization of India, but in a weak rip-off kinda way this time) era Beatles is some of the most obnoxious, hard-to-listen to music ever. I'd rather be at a "noise" show at the Copy Cat, and I never want to be at that. And yeah I sorta lost my track and didn't make some sense in there... you can say my last post is inspired by The Beatles
KACY WIGGINS: The Beatles. I think, if it weren't for Pet Sounds pushing the Beatles to try to out do it, things might have been different. Also the Beatles were smart enough to break up before they became a joke with John Stamos on congas.
MELINDA BUSSARD: Beach Boys. I have gotten into many a heated discussion over my meh feelings about the Beatles.
BRENNEN JENSEN: I can't think of a single Beach Boys song I wouldn't turn off if it came on the radio.
CHRIS WILSON: Beach Boys. Although a bit of a nutter Brian Wilson was borderline musical genius. Beatles? Right place at the right time. Talent shone through more in their later work more so than the initial breakout.
KATIE BRENNAN: Beatles. I could never vote for the Beach Boys after witnessing the aftermath of their 4th of July concerts in DC.
STACEY MINK: Ummmm... ummmm... I'm definitely more likely to listen to the Beach Boys -- almost never listen to the Beatles except Abbey Road. But there is so much schlocky, dreadful Beach Boys. And the Beatles have inspired so much dreadful schlock and the endless re-releases and the outsized, unwarranted devotion. Beach Boys. Gah. Damn you, Benn Ray.
SCOTT HUFFINES: The Beach Boys' Endless Summer album was the first album I ever bought after all the '70s Top 40 singles I used to buy... I ditched that piece of shit after three listens and bought Kiss Destroyer.
MITCHELL FELDSTEIN: I tend to not believe folks who say they don't like the Beatles (not in general mind you, but about not liking them).
EDDIE CHABOT: So many of the Beach Boys songs are 'advertisements' as well as when the Beatles are doing their pastiche 'Back in the USSR'. Possible exception-'Sun King'.
JOHNNY RIGGS: Easily the Beatles, although I love the Boys. I'm not going to read this thread because if I read one idiot saying they don't like either band, or can't understand why they're held in high regard, no matter whether or not the bands were before their time, I'll lose my shit. Seriously, if I read one quote about the Beatles being no good, or wimpy or overrated, or whatever some musical halfwits have probably already said, I'll probably unfriend them just for being an idiot.
JACK LIVINGSTON: I knew this was the logical final battle - and it is a fair one. Both were basically vocal driven bands and studio masters. Both had far reaching social implications beyond music. The Beatles grew with their generation, the Beach Boys became the sound of beatific California which was a seductive notion to people all over the world. Brian Wilson is unmatched in mastery of song craft, the McCartney and Lennon team produced songs that will stick around long after all are gone. Both groups had individuals with talents of their own. Both made some very silly songs and lovely transcendent songs. Neither could be what they became without the other)
Years ago I would have said the Beatles, no contest—but now..... I simply can't forgive McCartney for all his English dancehall buffoonery that sort of ruins big chunks of many of the Beatles records. Pet Sounds is a better album than anything the Beatles ever turned out (Revolver and Abby Road are close), Sgt. Pepper is simply silly in comparison to the shimmering Pet Sounds. Also, the Beach Boys could always reproduce their music live whereas the Beatles were frozen in their later career because they could not play their music live anymore due to massive studio trickery.
In the end it is the Beach Boys (when lead by Brian) by a hair.
***Assorted attachments/links shared in the converstation.***
BENN RAY: Witness the undeniable genius.
Matthew Dahl: Has to be the Beatles, but it hurts to throw the Beach Boys under the bus like this, they just can't compare… Here's one reason the Beach Boys are a major contender (and this goes out to the BB haters above, who obviously don't know any better
"What If The Beatles Hadn't Broken Up: An Alternate History"
Jack Livingston: Interesting in context alternative history.
Eddie Chabot: Both made music on grass but only one recorded in an empty swimming pool. (Best recorded laugh intro)
Matthew Dahl: He knocks it out of the park in this one, too! Except it's an original they wrote with Stevie Wonder in mind. Wild Honey might be my favorite Beach Boys album, yes even over Pet Sounds.